Religious Education

'Love, Learn and Live Like Jesus'

Our School Mission;

'I have come that they should have life and have it to the full.' (John 10:10)

Inspired by the teachings of Christ, St Edmund's and St Thomas' Catholic primary school encourages and guides our pupils and all our school community to have a strong sense of service, love and compassion. In this way, they are encouraged to develop a vision for what they want to achieve with a zest for living life to the full.

Our school aims and objectives;

At St Edmund's and St Thomas' we aim to provide a warm, sefe Christ-centred community whereby;

* Everyone's talents and abilities are developed to experience personal fulfilment and a very strong sense of self worth.

* Each member of the community respects one another and reflects the values of the school's ethos.

*Opportunities are provided to enable all the members of the school community to grow in the love of Christ through prayer and celebration.

* We aim to create a learning environment where we enable all members of the school community to recognise learning as a life-long journey.

Come and See

To fulfil the aims and objectives of Religious Education at St Edmund's and St Thomas' Primary school we follow the Catholic Primary Religious Education Programme of 'COME AND SEE'. This is taught from Foundation stage to year six. As all Catholic schools, 10% teaching time is dedicated to RE. In key stage one this is 2 hours and 15 minutes, in key stage two this is 2 hours 30 minutes. In the Autumn term we focus on God our creator, Spring we look at God our Saviour and in the Summer term God our Spirit. Although all the children work on the same theme, each year group has a different topic exploring different aspects of this theme. Please read and refer back to our parents' letter which we send out at the beginning of each term.

Additional to their religious lessons children participate in daily collective worship, this may be based in class, outside in our spiritual area, as a class, key stage or whole school. From time to time children will bring home a collective worship planning sheet so that they can plan and lead their own collective worship in class.
Other Religions
Children today live in a fast changing global world, where communication and travel opens theme to diversity and challenge. It is important that we prepare them for this. Jesus, who is the fullness of God's revelation to humanity, showed respect for those within and outside his own faith community. The Church calls us to be committed to respecting people of other religions and to recognise that God is at work with them. Every year all children will look at Judaism and Islam.


RE Lead Teacher: Mrs Claro

RE Governor: Ms Carmel Howard


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Contact the School

St Edmunds & St Thomas' Primary School

Oxford Road
L22 8QF

Main Contact: Mrs Sandra Toner Mrs Annie Hoban

Tel: 0151 928 5586
[email protected]

SEN Contact: Mrs Louise Cooke

SEN Email: [email protected]

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Attendance W/E 06/09/2024
