Love, Learn and Live Like Jesus'
Our School Mission;
'I have come that they should have life and have it to the full.' (John 10:10)
Inspired by the teachings of Christ, St Edmund's and St Thomas' Catholic primary school encourages and guides our pupils and all our school community to have a strong sense of service, love and compassion. In this way, they are encouraged to develop a vision for what they want to achieve with a zest for living life to the full.
We serve the Waterloo parish communities of St Oscar Romero ( Saint Edmund of Canterbury and Saint Thomas of Canterbury) and our school provides for children from three years old to eleven years old.
We have 315 school places in the main school (Reception to Year Six) and currently the equivalent of 26 full-time places in our Nursery. The school has a planned admission number of 45 Reception places every September and we are thus organised by a one and a half form entry intake.
The school thrives on its community ethos and our families who have enriched the school culture over successive generations with great commitment to the ongoing success of the school.
Over the last ten years the school has had to reorganise and modernise its accommodation and environment from two sites to one site and this has been achieved whilst maintaining a relentless drive to raising the children's standards of achievement. In the last three years the Nursery has been relocated to sit between the two small Reception classes to form the early years centre.
Successive inspections have commended the school on the good quality of education it provides as well as external agencies such as Basic Skills Agency and Primary Science Mark validating thje quality of specific areas of provision.
A highly committed staff and governing body and an industrious PTA ensure that the principal focus and school's aims are targeted at its children whose parents have chosen Saint Edmund's and Saint Thomas' for their primary education.
This website is designed to give you a flavour of the variety of activities in which children engage over time in school. We hope that you find it useful and that it reflects a happy, stimulating and rewarding experiences for all the children in our care.
Our children's own Mission Statement clearly embodies our aims and expectations for all.
Love Learn and Live like Jesus
Our values of service, love, compassion and respect are developed from the School's Mission and underpin and influence all our activities in school
Kieran A Loftus Headteacher
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