The school's governing body operates a fully delegated budget under the local education authority's scheme for the local management of schools. It is also responsible for the management and delivery of the national curriculum and for improving and maintaining the quality of teaching and learning in the school.
Governors of St. Edmund's & St. Thomas' School are:
Chair of Governors:
Ms. Carmel Howard
Vice Chair of Governors
Mrs Anna Sweeney
Foundation Governors:
Fr. Dominic Curran
Mrs Margaret Kerbey
Ms Carmel Howard
Mrs Catherine Fitzsimons
Mrs Anna Sweeney
Mrs Anne Magennis
Mr Ben Dolan
Parent Governors:
Mr Nick Ayton
Mr Simon Green
Staff Governor:
Mrs. Elizabeth Devey
LA Governors:
Cllr Paul Cummins
Associate members
Ms Alison Pritchard
Fr Dominic Curran
Mr Kieran Loftus
Clerk to Governors:
Mrs Sandra Toner
The governing body meets at least once a term to consider the headteacher's report, finance, local and national issues, and any other matters relating to the running of the school.
Committees also meet once a term to review school standards and the curriculum and finances and resources.
Governors committees : Finance, Curriculum, Staffing, Admissions, Pupil Discipline, Pay Committee, Personal Development and Wellbeing
The Governors have a special subject monitoring responsibilities. Please see file.
Register of Governor Interests
There is a statutory requirement to publish a register of governors' business interests including whether they are members of other school governing boards. Please click on the file link to see this information.