Latest Nursery Newsletter
Nursery News
Welcome to a new school year! It was lovely to see some old faces and to welcome our new children last week. The children have had a great fun over the past few days making new friends and getting to know the adults that will work with them. They have all settled really well and are enjoying taking part in lots of activities, take a look at our web page to see what they got up to on their first days. We regularly update our web page with lots of information and pictures so that you can see what we have been doing. You may have noticed a new face in Nursery on Friday morning; Mrs Jones, she will be in nursery on Friday Mornings as Mrs Clayton takes on the role of Special Needs Coordinator at this time.
We have some exciting things planned for the children this half term as we begin our topic “All about me”. We will be looking at using our senses, naming body parts, learning everybody’s name and developing the children’s understanding of keeping healthy.
Come and See (our Catholic Education programme)
Our topic for the next few weeks is Myself. The children will be learning that they all have a name, they are all precious to God and that God knows them by their name. We are learning to say the Sign of the Cross in a simple way, which the children are picking up very quickly.
“Snack” money
We ask for a £1 per week/£5 per half term for snack money. This money helps to fund activities such as baking, play dough making, food for celebrations (Chinese New Year, Christmas parties etc.), extra snack items so that we can offer the children a wider variety of healthy snacks, materials for our making area, new books for our library, caterpillars that will change into butterflies, eggs and an incubator package, plants for our lovely garden and any other things! You are welcome to pay snack money on a weekly basis or half termly.
Children’s clothes
We do have a small supply of spare clothing in nursery in case your child has an accident. It would be helpful if your child could bring some spare underwear with them to nursery as we often run out! Please can you ensure that all your children’s clothes including coats and shoes are clearly labelled, especially school uniform as it all looks the same!
- children will be taking part in PE sessions this term in the school hall. Please can they bring in a pair of black slip on pumps to wear for these sessions. They do not need a pump bag as we will keep all the pumps safe for you. Please make sure your child’s pumps are clearly labelled.
We hope that you and your children are enjoying their Nursery experience with us. If you have any concerns or worries please feel free to discuss them with us at the beginning or end of the sessions.
Keeping our children safe.
We work hard to keep all our children safe in school. Please could you inform the nursery staff if some else is picking your child up. You can either let the staff know at the star of the session or ring the office who will pass the message on.
Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Clayton and Mrs Dennett